The picturesque bayside town of Laguna Vista – known as “Gateway to the Bay” is launching a three-month Laguna Vista CARES “Don’t Drive Distracted” campaign. The awareness campaign will be from July 29th through September 29th of this year and is supported by the Town’s overall community-wide branding and message campaign, Laguna Vista CARES.
The assumption is often made that distracted driving only occurs when a driver is suing a mobile device. Distracted driving is any activity that could divert a person’s attention away from primary task of driving where distractions endanger the driver, passenger, and bystanders. Distractions can be many and include those such as texting, eating and drinking, talking to passengers, personal grooming, emotional situations, loud radios, and many more.
To raise awareness and to further educate local residents as well as those that regularly drive by, through or on Highway 100 and FM 510, the Town is launching this Laguna Vista CARES “Don’t Drive Distracted” campaign because it cares about people in the community.
Says Major Susie Houston, “We want people to not be distracted while driving. This is a serious problem that is only getting worse. We care about our local residents and we care about those that drive by our community every single day. We hope that with this “Don’t Drive Distracted” campaign that drivers will think twice about eating and drinking or grooming and doing other things while driving.”
The awareness campaign includes the following:
Laguna Vista CARES “Don’t Drive Distracted” magnetic signs and bumper stickers will be on the patrol units and Town vehicles.
Patrol officers will be handing 5×7 postcards (in Spanish and English) on the dangers of being distracted while driving.
Laguna Vista CARES “Don’t Drive Distracted” banners and signs will be set up throughout the Town.
Laguna Vista CARES “Don’t Drive Distracted” bumper stickers are available for the public.
“While driving with no distractions, we also want to encourage people to consider making Laguna Vista their home. Just by its sheer location, and quality of life offered, and being near the beach – Laguna Vista has a lot to offer,” added Major Houston. “The Town is going through a positive transformation, and we want people to see how beautiful our community truly is. The Laguna Vista CARES “Don’t Drive Distracted” campaign was the suggestion of Town residents that will now come to fruition because of aver all good that it will provide. The Laguna Vista CARES “Don’t Drive Distracted” campaign is funded entirely from private contributions, so no Town funds were used. More about the Town of Laguna Vista can be found on their website at or obtained by calling their main office at 956.943.1793.